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[안내] ICCT Early-Bird Registration Deadline Extended

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일18-04-03 16:32 조회1,249회 댓글0건


ICCT Early-Bird Registration Deadline Extended

The early-bird registration deadline is extended to April 15, 2018.


Your early-bird registration will facilitate the conference preparation and organization.

(Please note that the registration fee will be increased after April 15, 2018.)


* Student ID or official letter of University must be provided


- Payment of registration fee is available at ICCT website





The full conference program will be available on the conference website www.ICCT2018.org by March 31, 2018. We also have a pre-conference industry tour program and the welcome dinner scheduled for May 25. Please note the upcoming announcement emails if you are interested in the programs.


Thank you for participating in ICCT.


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