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2022 AFCPE Invitation to Present

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일22-04-11 09:06 조회922회 댓글0건


We are now accepting proposals to present at the 2022 AFCPE SymposiumThe AFCPE Symposium is the intersection of financial education, research, and practice, and the expertise and passion of our community makes it an event like no other! Share your research, your programs, your innovative ideas, or your area of expertise.

What's new about #AFCPE2022? This year's Symposium will be hybrid!

The 2022 AFCPE Symposium will be held November 16-18, 2022 in Orlando, FL; however, if you are unable to make the trip, we are also offering a virtual component, and are accepting submissions for both.  Bonus: Your breakout session, research, or poster presentation will have an even greater reach this year, because both virtual and in person presentations will be recorded and made available to all Symposium attendees!


Deadline to submit: Friday, June 3rd due by 11:59 PM ET 



Rachael DeLeon
Interim Executive Director
Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education® (AFCPE®)
79 S. State Street, Suite D3, Westerville, OH 43081
614-368-1046 (o)

Pronouns: she/her
Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagramand Twitter @AFCPE


AFCPE: You’re in the Right Place

Let us support you in 2022!

  • Membership: Be part of a connected community that supports your work and career.
  • Certification: Earn the designation that sets the standard. Become an AFC®!
  • Education: Build capacity with AFCPE Essentials courses.

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